Last Child in the Woods Book Review

Published by Yen on

How much time does your child spend in the outdoors? If you’re like most people, chances are, your children spend more time indoors, and possibly in front of screens. In recent years, some families have subscribed to the movement of encouraging more time out of doors.

For example, the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge was born out of the knowledge that the average child spends 1000 hours a year (or an average of 3 hours a day) on gadgets. This is inspired by the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education, which has been revived for homeschools across the world in recent years.

I wrote the above excerpt as a book review for Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv on an article I wrote for a good friend’s website, which focuses on building strong marriages and families. So happy I get to share my love for bringing our kids outdoors more!

You can read the full article here.

Categories: Outdoor Time