Who was Charlotte Mason?

British educator-reformer Charlotte Mason (1842-1923) was challenged conventional ideas about education and learning head-on. With most people believing only educated parents could produce educated children, she set out to prove her case by testing her principles on thousands of rough and tumble youngsters: the children in a mining community.

After the set time, the superintendent sat enthralled as child after child regaled him with tales of all that they’d learned about history, geography, Shakespeare, music, art, and classic literature—long thought to be out of their league. She spent the rest of her life equipping teachers, governesses, and parents, and came a step closer to her dream of seeing “a liberal education for all.”

Since then, many have endeavored to dig up the treasure of her teachings and introduced them to a whole new generation of educators: the homeschooling community. But the results are, unsurprisingly, the same: awakened minds, a fire ignited for the joy of learning, a community of passionate individuals inspired to greatness by all the encounters with the wisest minds throughout history! 

We welcome you on this journey of learning more about Charlotte Mason’s principles and philosophy of education.  

Resources About the Charlotte Mason Method

If you would like to check out some books on the Charlotte Mason method, here are our top picks. 

We hope to add individual reviews of these, as well as other books, soon, so stay tuned and connected with us to be updated as soon as we publish a post! 

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If you would like a quicker read for now, maybe our Beginner’s Guide to a Charlotte Mason Homeschool will help. Sign up below to download your FREE PDF!